Rural Climate Resiliente

In the face of the growing challenges of climate change, it is imperative to enhance the resilience of rural communities in Côte d’Ivoire and Africa. The project we advocate for at OUKAMY aligns with this essential quest for sustainability and prosperity in our rural regions.

Adaptation to Climate Change: The impacts of climate change are increasingly felt in rural areas, endangering the livelihoods of agricultural communities. OUKAMY is committed to helping these communities adapt by providing climate-resilient information, technologies, and agricultural practices.

Preparation for Climate Extremes: Rural communities are often the hardest hit by climate disasters such as floods or droughts. OUKAMY works to strengthen their ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to these crises, thereby minimizing their devastating impacts.

Long-Term Sustainability: By promoting rural climate resilience, OUKAMY contributes to the sustainability of agriculture and livestock in these regions. This allows communities to maintain their livelihoods and preserve their traditions while adapting to new climate realities.

Awareness and Education: Education and awareness are essential pillars of climate resilience. OUKAMY strives to enlighten rural communities about climate issues and equip them to make informed choices.

Rural climate resilience is a vital element of long-term sustainability and prosperity for our rural areas. At OUKAMY, we are committed to helping these communities meet climate challenges by strengthening their resilience for a more stable and flourishing future.